The annual spring meeting was held at the Sapelo Island visitor’s center on March 7, 2020. Twenty-two FOS members braved the chilly weather to work on the nature trail and general cleanup of the area. Work was followed with a pot-luck lunch and the business meeting. Hyde Post, president presided over the meeting.

FRIENDS OF SAPELO Spring Meeting March 7, 2020

Meeting called to order:        Hyde Post       1:07 pm

Opening Remarks by Hyde

 Minutes of Winter Meeting:  motion by Jerry , second by Dick.  Minutes approved

 Treasurer’s Report:    Eddie Leverette

·      Overview of current Financial Statement  – copies made available 

·      Overview of Income and Expense Report – copies made available

·      FOS available funds are approximately $15,299

·      FOS memberships:  individual $30, Family $40 

SINERR Report:   Hyde

·      Jan and Feb were great months for Adam’s education program

·      FOS helped purchase microscopes for the lab

·      528 students in program Jan and Feb, which is more than all of last year

·      Trained 11 Naturalists from Tybee Is. 

·      3 Roads Scholars programs already

·      New trail to ephemeral pond off main Nature Trail ( by Calan MacKinnon as his Eagle Scout project)

·      NERR will again be funded  - 70% money from federal government through NOAA, and state has to  put up 30%

·      Opening for secretary for DNR, $20,000 year for 40 hr. work week with benefits.  

·      Applied for grant to re-do all boardwalks, as well as the pavilion over marsh on Nature Trail – should hear in few weeks


·      Looking into whether we need Board insurance and further liability insurance (Hyde and Edie)


·      237 memberships with 131 active/paid

·      Likely going to 12 month membership from date of paying

·      New members:  Frampton Simmons, Greg Sorrow


·      Working to coordinate all operations to eliminate multiple handling (Quick Books, Mail Chimp, Join It, website, Event Brite)

Projects for 2020:

·      Recent work at Chocolate Plantation – keeping vegetation off ruins

·      Fred has agreed to allow a minimum number of volunteers to go quarterly and stay overnight

·      Picnic table repairs – Dick completed 3, then DNR stopped work due to liability concerns.  Now, they plan to purchase tables from Georgia Correctional System to avoid liability.

·      Sapelo Map Proposal:  Suzanne has a group who have all the specifics for the map, FOS may help with the written part

·      No new info on the Sapelo Light 200th Anniversary and FOS role in this yet.  Contractor has been hired to build pavilion near lighthouse and the trail there.

·      Newsletter will be done quarterly.  If one has things of interest to include, email:  Phil Graitcer at

·      We’ll be putting reflectors up, as opposed to guard rails around the island due to maintenance issues 

Other Projects:

·      Sign-up for these upcoming projects:

March 18                              Native garden upkeep

- April 4                                   Beach Sweep (pick-up trash on Nanny Goat Beach)

- March 10 and April 2            Nature Trail maintenance

2019 Meeting Schedule:

·      Sat. June 6                   General Meeting/covered dish lunch (Long Tabby Sapelo Island)                                                          

Motion to adjourn:  motion by Tom, second Bill

Meeting Adjourned:   1:44 pm

Respectfully submitted - Susan Fardy 

Welcome new member Fromton Simmons

New member - Fromton Simmons