Friends of Sapelo is proud of their members and what they do because without them FOS would cease to exist.  The Sapelo Island National Reasearch Reserve is routinely recognized for generating the most volunteer hours of any of the reserves in NERR.  Current there are 140 active members  and they represent all ages.  Grandparents bring their grandchildren with them on the Beach Sweeps.  What better way to show the next generation what happens when you throw trash in the ocean. Students from the local high school help with Beach Slope monitoring, Crab and Shrimp Day on the island is a great outing for families. All of these activities and more would not happen without the Friends. The work done by volunteers saves the state of Georgia hundreds of dollars each year, and provides people power which assures Sapelo Island will continue to be accessible for school groups, teachers, families, and the general public.  

If you are not a member, click here to find out how you can become one.

Friends of Sapelo was created for the purpose of supporting the various entities that operate on and manage Sapelo Island.  In addition, FOS partners with other non-profit organizations that are dedicated to the health and welfare of the life on the Georgia Coast.