Registration and additional packet documents in PDF form are available. Click on the links below. Both are required for enrollment.
Founded in 1995, “Friends of Sapelo (FOS),” was created as a 501(c3) non-profit organization to support the research, education, and outreach missions of the island.
Friends have many opportunities throughout the year to participate in a variety of activities both on and off the Island.
You don’t have to live on the coast to be a Friend of Sapelo. Although many of the members live in and around McIntosh County, Georgia, our friends come from all over the United States and abroad. Membership is open to anyone that appreciates the importance of preserving this beautiful natural resource.
Sapelo Island
is located off the coast of Georgia, approximately 45 miles south of Savannah and 60 miles north of the Florida state line. The 16,000 acre island is accessible only by boat and is 97% owned by the State of Georgia. Sapelo Island is managed by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, which includes the Sapelo Island National Estuary Research Reserve (SINERR), the University of Georgia Marine Institute and the RJ Reynolds Mansion State Park and Historical Site.
“Friends of Sapelo recorded at total of 2,466 volunteer hours, the equivalent of 508 volunteers for FY 2018.
This represent a contribution of $61,516.90 worth of service, based on the rate of $25.15 per hour (value from the Corporation for National and Community Service and the Bureau of Labor)”
Photography provided by Friends of Sapelo Members